Global HRO Supplier Landscape

7 Dec 2007
by Rajesh Ranjan


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The 10-year old multi-process global HRO market grew over the years and will reach approximately US$2.85 billion in 2007. However, the rate of growth slowed in the last two years, and market dynamics are changing with buyers looking for specific benefits through HRO and suppliers refining their strategies to effectively meet their clients’ needs at a profitable cost. This research report analyzes global 2007 HRO supplier landscape, investigates the emerging supplier trends, and assesses supplier delivery capability across scale, scope, technology, and delivery footprint. This report will assist buyers understand the changing supplier landscape, suppliers’ capabilities and choices available to them. It will also help existing as well as new HRO suppliers to assess the competitive landscape.


  • All multi-process HRO deals as of July 30, 2007 with a minimum of three HR functions and servicing more than 3,000 employees
  • Global focus: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Latin America
  • Details of 13 key and active suppliers who signed at least one multi-process HRO deal. Also, identifies suppliers who plan to enter the market
  • All industries


This report examines the global 2007 HRO supplier landscape and its impact on the HRO market. It focuses on supplier position and growth in the HRO market, changing market dynamics and emerging supplier trends, assessment of supplier delivery capabilities, and key HRO supplier profiles. It also identifies the key implications of the research findings for buyers and suppliers. Some of the findings in this report, among others, are:

  • There are 15+ suppliers with HRO transaction experience in the global market
  • Suppliers’ ability to create leverage remains a critical requirement to achieve profitability. Suppliers are making progress in building leverage across buyers
  • The supplier landscape is getting segmented as suppliers rigorously define their target market based on buyer size (number of employees), process scope, and geographical scope considerations
  • Suppliers catering to the large market segment are leveraging offshore much more than the suppliers serving the mid-market
  • There are clear differences among suppliers on an overall HRO delivery capability across scale, scope, technology capability, and geographic delivery footprint

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