Benefits Administration Outsourcing (BAO) Supplier Profile Compendium

21 Jul 2010
by Rajesh Ranjan



The Benefits Administration Outsourcing (BAO) – Supplier Profile Compendium is a companion to Everest Research Institute’s latest study, Benefits Administration Outsourcing (BAO) – Resilient Demand, Dynamic Supplier Landscape, July 2010. The report provides accurate, comprehensive, fact-based snapshots of 10 leading BAO suppliers. Each profile highlights supplier’s delivery capability, market strategy, key organizational developments, and delivery footprint. In addition, it also provides a snapshot of supplier’s client portfolio along various dimensions such as geography, industry, employee size, and functional scope.

This compendium of profiles tracks 10 BAO suppliers including ACS, ADP, ExcellerateHRO, Fidelity, Hewitt, Infosys, Mercer, Patni, Secova and Towers Watson.

BAO client portfolio 


Each supplier profile comprises of three key pages:

  • BAO service capability and strategy – Includes company profile description, BAO/HRO leadership, business partnerships, recent BAO-related announcements/developments, current market segment focus, technology strategy, functional capabilities and spread of delivery FTEs globally
  • BAO client portfolio – Includes brief-description of recently announced BAO engagements, client split by geography, industry, buyer size mix, and core benefits areas.
  • Key BAO delivery locations – Includes city level detail of key delivery locations across the world

The objective of this compendium is to provide key stakeholders a snapshot of the offerings and capabilities of the 10 major BAO suppliers. While suppliers will be able to benchmark their areas of strength and those of development vis-à-vis other suppliers in the marketplace, buyers and potential buyers of BAO will be able to assess the suppliers with desired set of capabilities.


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