Indian Captive Market - Trends and Implications

8 Jun 2007



The Indian captive market is large and continues to expand at a rapid pace across verticals, functions, and geographies. As the captive model becomes more mainstream, the role of the captive is evolving. This report explores the Indian captive market in detail and provides a detailed bottom-up analysis of this market's evolution and future. The research looks at the Indian captive market in terms of size, growth, key market trends, and value proposition. It will assist companies considering a captive to understand in detail how the value proposition has changed and continues to evolve. 


  • Analysis includes over 150 captives in India tracked by Everest through its proprietary captive databas. Note: Delivery centers of leading global suppliers (e.g., Accenture, IBM, EDS) in India are not considered to be captives in this analysis
  • This report is applicable to all geographies and industries
  • This report is applicable to both buyer and supplier organizations


This report summarizes key market trends and insights to assist management in making more informed business decisions relative to captives. Key Insights are divided into three categories; size and growth, key market trends and evolving value proposition. Each category contains 4-6 key trends, which are discussed in detail and illustrated with supporting data and analysis to provide the reader information in easy-to-apply, bite-size pieces. For example, captive market in India¸ size and growth is divided into five chapters:

  • Indian offshore services market size
  • Share of captives in Indian offshore services market
  • Captive market size: bottom-up estimation
  • Captives of global companies (Examples)
  • Captive market growth

This report concludes with a chapter that provides recommendations to key stakeholders, including new buyers of offshoring, existing captives in the market, parents of existing captives, and suppliers. The recommendations are tailored to the unique customer segment to ensure applicability and easy implementation.


Page Count: 54